Who is Destiny Froste?

Just taking a moment to introduce myself. As you can see from my site, my interests are very spread out.

I have been studing the Occult since about 1996, though that came from my love for outer space that I developed back in 3rd grade. I am not a pagan. I am actually agnostic, which means basically that I believe in a higher power but either it has not been defined by an orginized religion or I choose not to define it...I actually have a notion similar to that of pagan religions, a life force of such...

Which brings me to the Jedi. The first time I saw Star Wars was in 1999 at the end of a Folklore, Myth and Legends class in my junior year of high school. The instant I saw it I was hooked AND the concept of the Force was exactly what I had been looking for. Do not get me wrong, I do not think everything in the movies is real. The Millenium Falcon is not going to land on earth and sweep me away (Though I do believe we are not alone in the galaxy), I am not going to be levitating X-Wings into the air (though one day I believe telekenisis will develop in our race), Yoda is not my teacher (though the lines in the movies are very wise and still words to live by) and I dress like a normal human being...sometimes. I have been studing as a 'Jedi' since 1999, online as well as in my real life. The studies are sort of a mix of buddism, taoism, occult, etc. Its a melting pot of the open-minded yet disciplened philosophies and also martial arts and other physical disciplines. I have been doing acrobatics since 1988, dancing pretty much my whole life and during the summer of 2003 I started circus arts as well as Capoiera. They are currently on hold due to moving out of the area, but I want to move back and return to it ASAP.

As to that comment about usually dressing like a normal human being. Elsewhere on my site, you will see pictues of me in clothing from the renaissance, star wars, gypsies, etc. I have performed at various Renaissance Faires, Six Flags Great America Fright Fest and Clown Camp, and other sundry roles. I am also a member of several costuming groups, including (but not limited to) the 501st Legion, Gotham's Finest, Rebel Legion, and the Jedi Assembly.

I have a B.A. in Psychology with a Minor in Italian. Eventually I want to go back to school and earn a Masters, and/or a few more B.A.'s (topics of interest: International Affairs, Sociology, Dance, Nutrition). I am a bit of a book worm, and I love to learn. When I discover a new subject chances are I will embrace it, no matter what it is since my intrests are so wide. In the past people have accused me of simply trying to copy, or butt in on their interest because I embrace it so; but I honestly just love to learn. My goal in life in a nutshell, is to learn everything I possibly can before I die. As I add more to my site you will understand this more and more.

Feel free to drop in on my facebook page, I am always open to questions, comments and concerns so long as it is approached with tact and courtesy. Anyhow...this is me.

Destiny M. Froste